Looe Neighbourhood Plan

Looe Neighbourhood Plan


How local businesses can help in drawing up a plan for Looe.

We would like your help in drawing up a new plan for Looe in which our community shapes the future development of its area.

The Looe Neighbourhood Development Plan is being prepared by Looe Town Council. It’s a new type of plan made under the Localism Act 2011 which gives everyone who lives in Looe the democratic right to be involved. This is a real opportunity to have an active say in the future of Looe and we would like to know what you think. Please take the time to fill in this questionnaire and let us know your views.


Note: The details you give will only be used for research purposes connected with the Neighbourhood Plan and for the Town Council to contact you when consulting on policies that might impact on local businesses. They will not be passed on to any third parties or used for marketing purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. All information supplied will be held by Looe Town Council and will remain secure and confidential. If you wish to be kept informed about the plan, please supply an email or postal address to the Town Council and we will ensure you are notified at key stages.

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